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WeChat Marketing FAQ
East Technologies has been established in Hong Kong for 15 years, providing professional web design and online promotional services. There have been many successful clients throughout the years, including website designs for well-known brands, listed companies, and small-middle scale enterprises in HK. We became an accredited partner company of the HK Science Park from 2009 – 2021, in addition to being the official informational technology service supplier of the Hong Kong Productivity Council’s “Distance Business Program” and is a reliable and credible choice of web design company by customers.
We provide tailor-made customizable web designs and create the webs according to customers’ wanted styles and preferences with the help of our professional designers and program writers, to ensure a high quality of your web design.
Customers can contact us through WhatsApp or email, or through calling our designer anytime. Our management team has very experienced web design service experience and would ensure responsibility taken by local HK designers and experienced staff members. Our technicians have very advanced web design technological knowledge in order to provide high quality web design works for any industry.
If the website design is for a company’s serious business purpose (instead of lighter personal use), you must take care of your UI and UX designs.
User interface displays mainly target the functions of the website design and puts emphasis on the website design’s aesthetics look, in order to allow customers to use the website easily as the primary goal. It also puts an emphasis on the most updated website design elements in order for it to look good and be user-friendly.
Once customers have signed and confirmed the order of the website design, please prepare the company’s logo and some images of the company’s products or services to display on the web. The photos should normally be your brand’s most defining products or some relevant event photos. These photos are used as the banner or for external display of your website design. Of course, our company will also provide additional stock photos to beautify your website. The picture would normally be a JPG format; because these images would be used as a soft copy and are not printed products, the image’s definition does not need to be too high – approximately 200K for every photo would be enough.
You can also use your favourite colour (Pentone) or styles of webpages you like for our website design staff for reference. If you do not have any other opinions, then you can allow our designers to help with the external look of your website design.
Once we finish the website design, you only have to email us with your website contents using the Word Doc format, we will then help you organize the contents to place it on the website.
Because your webpage represents your company’s image, it is an important first step to search for new customers. Therefore, if your web design is not produced of high quality, customers viewing your website might think that your company is not that great and that will create a negative impression and cause a reduction in your business. Even if your company is running well originally, a poor quality web design will directly impact your businesses. Therefore, it is very important to have a good web design to begin with.
In this age where everyone uses tablets or phones to browse the internet, if your web design has already been used for many years, it would give an outdated impression; if it does not support phones or tablet formats, it might cause your company to lose up to 80% of businesses, especially if people can only browse your web design to half the phone size, or if the web design was created by Flash technology (since Adobe Flash Player has stopped supporting browsing animations on webpages since 2020).
Customers can first think of the site flow map of the web design – which include the button names on the uppermost area of the webpage, such as: “About us”, “Product introduction”, “Contact us”, “Service introduction” etc. We need to know how many inside pages your webpage needs and the relevant functions in order to give you a detailed price listing of your web design. You can have a think of your webpage’s required languages, for example Traditional Chinese, plus English, plus Korean?
The simplest way is to contact us for enquiry is through WhatsApp 94401313 or 23313344 (HK numbers); our consultants will tell you about the required features according to your field of work, and then give you the price listing. Once these are confirmed, we will then help you on your web design immediately.
Of course this is possible – the procedures are in fact very easy!
Normally, companies will have an existing webpage domain (website name); once you revamp your web design, you can use your original domain, but you will have to change your IP address. Our web design staff members will assist you on that address once finishing your web design.
Before your new web design has been created, your existing webpage will continue to be used, therefore there should not be any connection interruptions in the middle of the changing procedure. Once you have successfully changed your IP address, your customers would be able to see the new web design being published.
If you have not applied for a webpage domain address, we can help you to apply for one instead. In general, you can apply for a .com/.com.hk/ .hk. To apply for a .hk domain would require a copy of your Hong Kong business registration. Once registered, we will help you on the procedures for renewing your license every year – it is very convenient.
Do you want to enquire whether your webpage can be used? You can enquire here for free – once you have decided on your ideal webpage domain, you can then let our web design consultants know.
Because we custom build your web design, the entire production duration will vary according to every customer’s needs for their webpages. For example, for an informational based web design for usual companies in HK that is used mainly for introducing the company and its services, designers would need approximately 2 weeks to discuss with clients and to edit the first draft of the webpage back and forth. Once the first draft has been confirmed, we will then start producing the webpage – this would take around 1 month or so. Customers would then need to test the finished product. Once it has been confirmed, it will be ready to be published.
Of course, if customers reply very quickly, and if the communication time is very short, then we can finish the web design for customers in an even shorter time.
If customers have a specific date to finish the webpage by, then you can first discuss the production time with our webpage consultant.
Online shop web design and production in general would require 2 months.
If the webpages are more complicated, and involve a greater number of features, the relevant time required will be more delayed. Please contact us ASAP to enquire the price listing and to discuss the details in greater depth with our web design consultants.
If you require an immediate use for your webpage, we can provide a 7-day express web design service. Our very experienced web design staff can give you advice to use the fastest way possible to produce a professional and aesthetically pleasing webpage. This would require cooperation with the customers to reply to us instantly. Customers can prepare the content of the web design whilst discussing with the designers on how to publish the webpage in the quickest possible way. No matter if customers choose the model template web designs or customized designs, this could be done using the 7 days express web design service – for more details, please enquire the price listing by contacting us.
A one-stop style website design is usually used for the purpose of a landing page after pressing on the advertisement online. Webpage sales include exclusive online sales strategies pages, like event introduction, product sales pages etc. Website designs will display a one-page style for the main purpose – concise and easy to understand, usually used for online advertising purposes, using a page of concise methodology to introduce, just like an advertising page for the company – this makes it easy to digest. Also, there will be a supporting phone version too, however this normally is not suitable for business enterprise webpages, because such enterprise website designs require many pages to look professional. This is mainly suitable for specific purposes to target for customers to digest the services listed on the landing page using merely 10 seconds.
After finishing up with the website designs, if customers encounter any problems with its functioning, you can contact our website design consultants in HK. In fact, apart from functioning problems, technical problems are often a big issue, because the internet servers will update themselves continually, a lot of plug-in services will automatically renew itself with time (the situation is like how no one uses Windows XP anymore, Adobe Flash Player has stopped its service since 31/12/2020 so it no longer supports internet browsing animations etc.)
Your website design represents the image of your company. If no one maintains your webpage, once issues come up, you will become very helpless and clueless. Our website design maintenance service is very important – not only will it keep your webpage updated, once there are issues that occur, you can contact our website design consultants anytime, we will immediately help you sort out and resolve the issue to enable your webpage to be at its most optimum state. You won’t have to worry over any technical issues of your website design and can fully concentrate on your business work.
The procedure for website design for your company is actually very simple!
From purchasing a webpage, designing the first draft, writing up the programme, saving the webpage, to publishing the webpage and maintaining it, East Tech Hong Kong helps you with the entire package. We help our customers with their website design throughout the entire process.
After completion of the webpage, we will help customers provide online advertising services, such as Google SEO to boost its search visibility, online advertising banners, search key terms advertising, Facebook/ Instagram advertising promotion, promotion using the Little Red Book and Wei Xin in China. We can advise you on how to expand your online business according to your development needs and budget expenses.
First, the newest trend in the webpage design procedure requires your company’s webpage that supports the mobile phone dimensions. If your webpage has been supporting the desktop computer only for many years, if your clients use a tablet or mobile phone, they would not be able to view your webpage clearly and this will impact on its impression.
Second, you will have to have a trendy element in your webpage design, for example, to add in some animations etc., however, please don’t add in any Flash animations, since internet browsers already no longer support this old technology anymore.
Third, you have to understand the core principles of webpage designs, for example what information to put on there to increase attraction is something to master too.
Fourth, as a professional website design company, we can for sure offer comments to help you create an appropriate, trendy company webpage.
First of all, you have to create a high quality company webpage in terms of the information content. As a professional website design company in Hong Kong, if you are our SEO customer, we will give you some professional content consulting opinions, and will help you consider relevant key terms to help with your search promotions, so that your customers will be able to search for your webpage using those key terms. In general, after our intensive SEO work, you will be able to see the improvement in the search rankings within 6 months. Because this promotional process requires time to create, we cannot conduct this process in such a rush. This requires long term investment however there is eventually a high rate of turnover. Since customers would search for your services online, promotional effects are very satisfying.
The SEO process requires some time to conduct, therefore as a professional web design company in HK, we will provide SEP website revamping and related technologies. In general, this would require around 6 months to see an improvement in the search rankings. This is a long-term investment process, however the rate of turnover is high eventually, because webpage browsing rates are high, your webpage will bring forth business and attract new customers. Therefore, a short-term SEO creation process is not recommended.
As a professional web design company, apart from webpage design service, we will also help create a one-stop webpage related service, for example after the webpage creation process, we can help you add in some additional features whenever you require. We will also provide a webpage maintenance service, such that we can help you resolve any webpage issues. We can help you to do online promotions and improve your sales, improve your search rankings on Google, and create banner advertisement services on Facebook, Instagram and well-known websites to improve your company’s webpage browsing rates. As a professional web design company in HK, we also provide a one-stop webpage storage service, Cloud Server, SSL Cert safety certificate and domain name registration services.
Of course you can! For example if your domain name is ABC.com, you can choose to use Info@ABC.com or sales@ABC.com etc. as your business email. This could improve on your company’s image. As a professional website design company in HK, you can enquire the details with our webpage design consultants for further discussion – contact us immediately to enquire on the prices.
Web production and functionality combinations for different companies are different according to the companies’ needs. There will be different functionalities for every field of work. It is difficult to say for everyone which web design functionality is the best – therefore customers must have a think of what their own needs are, then inform the website design company.
To be honest, the more the functions doesn’t mean the better, what matters is what functions you actually need. Try to imagine if you belong to the manufacturing industry, you won’t necessarily need an online store, as you do not require online payment systems, this means that it is unnecessary to find a website design company in Hong Kong to register as a member or for a login feature; if you belong to the finances or investments industry, you might require functions to connect for stock costs and prices; if you belong to the beauty industry, you might need to find a website design company in Hong Kong to help you create a first time online reservation trial service, however might not require a membership system; if your company is a more systematic online store, you can place some company details on the webpage, as this would create a more professional impression. For example, you can place some clients’ credits, certificates, media reporting and most updated company events notices etc. Therefore, different companies which run differently would require the webpage functionality to be done differently.
Obviously, you can take reference from other competitor company’s webpage functions, for example, you are welcome to let East Tech Website Design Company know if you want to create a similar webpage, we can then tell you the price listing of a similar webpage for your consideration.
As a professional website design company, our professional website design consultants will tell you what features your webpage would require. You can Whatsapp 94401313 or call East Tech webpage design company HK at 23313344 to enquire about webpage designs.
Finding a website design companyto revamp your old webpage is in fact quite simple. As a professional website design company in Hong Kong, you would only require to tell us your old existing web address, we will immediately let you know the price needed. In general, the company information from the old webpage will be preserved, you can always try to organize the information from your old webpage or add in some new information to the new webpage.
You can also consider whether your potential customers require additional language versions, for example: Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, English, or more foreign languages versions, what other functions would make it more convenient for your customers?
To be honest, what most clients think for revamping an old webpage is to find a website design company in Hong Kong to revamp their outdated designs to add in trendy design features. For this aspect, you can rely on us, since our website designers can help you design a brand-new face of your webpage, you would not have to worry about how to start your design from scratch, because as a professional website design company in Hong Kong, we will give you the best advice.
The benefit of finding a website design company in Hong Kong to revamp your old website is that it could allow your old, unsupported programmes to upgrade to new supported ones. For example, Flash Animations can upgrade to CSS, which is supported by mobile phones as well. Of course, another important benefit is that this allows your webpage to support the desktop as well as laptops, tablets and mobile phone dimensions. Overall, company website designs would require revamping every 5 years, this would give your customers a brand-new fresh impression and help maintain your company’s image and standing in the market.
First of all, please contact us to enquire about the price listing. We will understand your initial needs, then give you an estimation of the price listing. After initial consultation and getting a mutual agreement, customers have to sign a contract with East Tech Website Design Company Hong Kong. After paying the deposit, our website designers will immediately help you with the planning stage. Customers would have to supply relevant images and company logo signs; we will then have finished and handed you the homepage design after 7 working days. After finishing editing the designs, we will then start the webpage program design procedure, then provide you with the webpage testing link for customers to conduct testing. Once the webpage has been confirmed to work successfully, customers will then pay the remaining fees before the official launching of the website.
As a professional web design company in Hong Kong, we provide high quality web design services post purchase. We will provide webpage maintenance services for each individual customer. If you do not know how to process the webpage systems, you can contact us at any time, our customer service staff members would provide support and explanations to you explicitly. (Please be rest assured as the backstage programming system of East Tech Web Design Company Hong Kong is very easy to handle.)
When the mobile phone era first started, virtually everyone was using their mobile phones. East Tech Web Design Company Hong Kong added a mobile phone version for our customers back then. However, with the developments of the digital era, we now provide webpage designs concentrated on fitting in with the current modern era, this includes the use of the Responsive Web Design – that would enable automatic changing of the dimensions of the web design according to the devices’ sizes, for example according to the desktop, tablets and mobile phones dimensions.
There is a lot of technical knowledge involved in browsing features using mobile devices. Because it will require a shorter time using a mobile phone to browse compared to using a desktop, thus the design templates for webpages to be displayed on phone devices are very important. As a professional web design company in Hong Kong, our professional webpage designers will prioritize the development of the design templates. With the same webpage content, viewers could quickly browse down visually to gain attention and the jumping out rate of phone webpages would be reduced.